A Window to the World

Eudes Mashini, Colette Ramm, Pelete and Merveille Gilatulu, in the first Kandale Zoom Meeting (CW), Segond the computer teacher is on the right.

Colette recently hosted a small group of individuals from Kandale via Zoom. They had been taking an intensive course in how to use the laptop, studying Excel, Microsoft Word, sending emails and documents and yes, communicating via Zoom. As Colette tells it, the group was dumbstruck to see Colette on their laptops in real time. Nothing in their experience had prepared them for the possibility of communicating face to face through a flat screen. It was a ‘The Gods Must Be Crazy’ moment. It had only been a few years since Colette had brought a variety of dvd’s to Kandale and played them on her laptop, but this interactive moment was a totally new reality, and with it entirely new opportunities. Here in the U.S. we take for granted the ubiquitous interconnectivity, but for many places in the world this is an abstract concept that no amount of classes in advanced mathematics and physics can prepare you for. Colette gently talked them down off the technological ledge and encouraged them to speak normally and ask questions.

This new form of communication is a culminating event and is a direct result of the many different efforts that preceded it: the installation of the solar panels by Dr Karl Klontz, the donation of laptops by Pfizer in 2018, the building of the Multi-Purpose Building, the installation of a satellite dish, the connection to a host network in France, the need for regular ‘on-the-ground’ communication with the U.S. and most recently the education of the community about the use of this new technology…and of course, eager minds to participate in these lessons.

Enoch is shown teaching on the left. The old PC being carried off for donation on the right.

A computer first arrived in Kandale in 2013. It was donated by a business group that was working in the area. As there was no electricity and no one with any knowledge about how to use it, it sat in its box for three years. In 2016, Colette purchased a laptop for REVE Kandale along with a generator and brought them with her to be used by the REVE Kandale Members. In 2018, the REVE Kandale Board arrived with four working laptops, and solar panels were installed.

Enoch provided basic typing lessons to a few individuals, but the laptops were seldom used as no one understood how to incorporate them into their daily activities. That is until a young community member returned from Kikwit where he had had experience working on a laptop. This first step into the digital age will change many aspects of life in Kandale. Of initial importance will be the ability to receive daily updates on the progress in the village here in the US.

It has become much simpler to receive images and it has made the task of basic communication markedly easier. Colette describes how she used to receive her updates through the process of someone writing a report, photographing it, bicycling on sand roads the 20 miles to Gungu and hoping to coordinate with a satellite and send the document. Often the handwriting was difficult to read and there was no easy way to verify the content of the message. Colette describes having to climb high in a tree in Kandale to receive a signal on her phone all the while being bitten by ants, an unpleasant experience indeed.

Another very important project is under way in Kandale. Community members have been working very hard to restore the old Depot Building. They paid a truck, that was delivering building materials, a little extra money to help transport large stones from the river back up to the town. The stones are being used to rebuild the Depot’s foundation.

The Depot was originally a garage built by the missionaries in the 50’s. (The Depot is pictured to the right.) It then became housing but gradually it came under disrepair. Once the structure has been completed it will support the installation of ten new solar panels and house two mechanical flour grinders and two batteries.

A technique has been developed in Burkina Faso wherein solar panels can generate enough power to run one of the grinders simultaneously. The batteries will allow any extra energy produced by the panels to be stored.

Community members will either pay a nominal fee to have their cassava or millet ground or they will donate a small portion of the flour to the mill. The two flour grinders, solar panels and batteries are presently on their way to Kandale. The photo to the above left is the traditional method of pounding flour using a wooden mortar and pestle or mushi in Kipende. It is a very time consuming and labor intensive technique. The photo in the upper right is the flour mill that is presently on its way to Kandale.

REVE Kandale’s focus is on WATER this year. This winter a third 5,000 liter polytank was installed, raising the available water for Kandale to 15,000 liters. Everything depends on water. The members of the community rely on it for all aspects of their lives from cooking to washing and bathing, including the young girls who are experiencing their period. The local maternity and hospital require water to sanitize their equipment and needles.

All the construction projects need water to make cement and bricks. The large agricultural projects presently underway all depend on water to nurture the young trees and garden projects, which in turn nurture the community that is in great need of a consistent food source. In 2019 REVE Kandale initiated a conversation with Water Mission of South Carolina with the intention of establishing a solar powered pump at the water source to bring water from two miles down in the ravine up to Kandale. Presently everything is under discussion, and it will be presented as soon as more concrete information is available.

From the Ground Up

Colette has recently returned from 8 weeks in the DRC. She had a lengthy agenda including the continued rehabilitation of the girl’s dormitories, the ongoing discussions of women’s formative roles in the community, the organization and implementation of the construction training, and the search for a new coordinator of REVE Kandale in Kandale. As with all best laid plans, Colette’s intention took a turn…for the better. Upon arrival in the capital city of Kinshasa, the US embassy in Kinshasa had approved funding for a third water cistern* for the town. Logistically speaking, this is no simple matter. There is no Amazon van to drop it on the doorstep, rather it involves coordinating a vehicle which can balance the container on top, welding a frame to house the cistern for the trip, organizing individuals to place it on the roof and secure it, and the most difficult task of all was to....

find a driver who is competent enough to navigate the difficult road to Kikwit and then through the winding dirt roads past Gungu and on to Kandale. Colette spent three weeks of her time in Kinshasa coordinating this effort and after much wheeling and dealing the journey began with an awkward cargo. In addition to the cistern, the vehicle was loaded with training materials for the construction of classes. On the road the cistern was constantly shifting and needed persistent attention and readjustments. After several flat tires, they made it safely to Kikwit and then on to Kandale with a stop in Gungu, where Colette met with Mangala long enough to share the details of her trip. The arrival in Kandale in the early afternoon, was uncharacteristically quiet, as no one knew she would be coming that day.

Colette purposely did not announce her arrival as she was concerned about the possible spread of Covid in a large gathering. However, two girls eating mangoes nearby spied the vehicle with the strange green bouffant hairstyle, and they ran screaming with excitement to alert everyone in town about the arrival of Mama Colette and the two vehicles. Soon the compound was packed with joyous greeters who were eager to say hello to Colette and meet her guests from Kinshasa that included two engineers, who would be conducting the construction training.

Suddenly, there were many helping hands to offload the cistern, while others brought out chairs for the guests. The head pastor was alerted and rushed over to bless the visitors. He said a long prayer and wished everyone a good stay in Kandale. Night fell quickly in all the excitement, and it was soon pitch black. In all the confusion, people had difficulty finding their tukuls in the dark.

The following day there was a big feast celebrating ‘Mama’ Colette’s arrival, but the day proved to be too busy to feast, with two trainings going on for construction and tree planting. In addition, the work needed to be completed on the 7 new classrooms so that the renovation of the girls’ dormitory could move forward. And then there was a new cistern to install. Colette needed to hold consultation meetings with the women and parish leadership to identify priorities for 2022 and recruit a new coordinator as a matter of priority. All this was done while coordinating a truck to bring cement and wood boards from Kikwit. The rainy season, which was late in arriving, had filled both cisterns and the construction with cement could continue.

Once Colette had made a full assessment of the progress on the ground, she and Mangala, the Vice-President of REVE Kandale, began to interview candidates for the position of a new coordinator to manage the day-to-day affairs in Kandale. One of the candidates that Colette was impressed by was a former math teacher, Willy Pelete Gakuba (A.K.A. Pythagore), (featured in the photos above). She was inspired by his ability to organize the community and his in-depth administrative skills. Pelete is also very passionate about writing and performing plays and celebrating traditional dance.

Presently the whole primary school has been completed except for the windows and paint. It looks amazing and the new director is incredibly proud. Work on the dormitories continues. The roofs and walls have been completed and the workers will be building the new floors and doing the final touches after the holidays. Colette wrote in a text, “Women brought so many stones for the rehabilitation of the dormitory. So moving I had tears in my eyes.” The presence of safe and solid dormitories is pivotal to the well-being of the community and the progress of educating the young women in Kandale and the surrounding communities. We want to thank Saint Mark PC for sponsoring the remaining renovation work on the girls’ dormitory. There will be room for 80 students. While working on the dormitory it turns out there were two big snakes with eggs in the chimney and the workers had to ‘remove’ them. Then they found a big beehive in the other dormitory building. It took a few days of negotiating with the local community to determine how to get rid of the beehive so that construction could proceed. School had been delayed to November 2, 2021, but the number of girls registering for the dormitory is now over 120. This is a result of the success of the sewing program and the fact that the students at both the Lycée and Institut Gufwa Gubila performed very well this year in the National exams.

A group of trainers made the journey with Colette from Kinshasa and spent twenty days training 20 youths including 4 girls in a variety of construction techniques, with a focus on welding, masonry, and woodworking. The training was very intensive and overall, it went very well. As part of their training, they constructed a shelter for the brick making machine. Upon their departure on motorcycles, the trainers were loaded down with mangos, avocados and two goats.

* Cisterns help collect rainwater as a temporary solution to alleviate the water crisis in Kandale (https://youtu.be/QcHBuceN7Po).

Included in the last shipment from the US were several kalimbas or gibinji as they are known in the kipende language. They have been providing hours of inventive playing by the young and old alike. Mangala on the left and Pelete in the middle are rockin' the gibinji. We look forward to their compositions at some future date.

Seven Roofs for Seven Classes

Seven classrooms now have roofs. They come just ahead of the rainy season and the return of some 500 lower school students who will fill them with their enthusiasm for knowledge…or maybe just their enthusiasm. REVE Kandale has received donations from many sources including our regular donors and a new partner, Darnestown Presbyterian Church, to complete the roofs, ceilings and floors for the seven classrooms. This stage of development has been able to move toward completion including the purchase of doors, blackboards, and roofing material. There is still substantial work to be done including the construction of 18 more classes and the renovation of six more. On October 4th school will commence once again, and the crowded conditions the students and teachers have had to endure, will finally be remedied. New classrooms, new desks, new blackboards, and a new attitude toward learning. There are still many supplemental materials needed such as access stairs and windows to prevent the goats from poking their heads in during lessons.

The rainy season is late and the people of Kandale have been undergoing a water crisis. The lack of water has required the community to work tirelessly to supply the construction crew with the needed materials. Many hands and many many days of carrying water up from the ravine and sand from the banks of the Kwilu River six kilometers away, to facilitate the mixing of cement to add a topical coat to the walls of the new classrooms. This does not take into consideration the water they need for their own basic needs. In addition to the water crisis, the construction crew uncovered the base of an enormous tree in the middle of the foundation. It took two weeks of hard work to remove it before construction could continue.

An old Congolese saying is, ‘a tree without roots is firewood’. Colette is en rooute to DRC and there is much to do. The roots must be nourished. Colette will be having many meetings during her visit. In particular, she will be meeting with several women’s groups to discuss the developments ahead. Two major focuses will be the renovation of the girls’ dormitories and a return to planting trees. Colette will be celebrating 10 years of community development with REVE Kandale. There is much to celebrate: the many classrooms and structures, including the Multi-Purpose building; the expansion of the sewing program; the purchase of the brick making machine; the women’s program supporting the young girls in the community; the purchase of two large water tanks; the development of the soccer program and the epic soccer/ football tournament; the garden, the planting of trees and the creation of the ‘wild space’; two solar panels; and the support of the community in general.

Saint Mark Church and other private donors have contributed to the funding needed to complete the work on the dormitories. The renovation will provide quarters for an additional 40 girls, bringing the total to 80 students. The sewing program is packed with interested students but there is very limited space to house them. Colette will help with the difficult task of selecting those students with the greatest need such as girls coming from far away, those with special needs, and those with limited means. The roofs are in dire need of rehabilitation as are the ceilings and floors. The goal is to have the dormitories completed by November so that the girls will have a stable living arrangement, which will allow them to stay healthy and focus on their studies.

Colette will also be turning her hand to the development of the orchard and gardens as well as the ‘wild spaces’ in order to nurture both humans and the growing native species. There has been a great deal of discussion about planting various types of palm trees, including the samba palm, which provides palm nuts for palm oil, and the raffia palm, from which the palm fronds can be turned into a variety of furniture items, including beds.

Lastly there has been a return to training members of the community in a variety of skills, including tree planting, and construction. COVID has made the journey from Kinshasa to Kandale almost impossible, but now the journey is somewhat less arduous. An engineer will be arriving from Kinshasa to teach people the techniques of welding, brick making, masonry, carpentry, and rebar construction. The Head of the Kandale Parish has said that the youth are very excited about the training and job opportunities that REVE is creating.

As always, we owe a debt of gratitude to Newton for all the photos. The Communiqué succeeds because of the visual stories that he captures and shares with us.

This is the 20th edition of the Kandale Communiqué.

If you want to go back and read any of them from the past two years+ please go to: https://www.revekandale.org/newsflash

And at the end of these postings, there are more postings under, ‘older posts’ or:

https://www.revekandale.org/newsflash?offset=1601840580713 and


The story continues – M. Gimbombi

A Game Changer


Jeunesse Sportif de Kandale has won the tournament. From a field of 20 teams and a generous supply of intrigue, Kandale beat Kifuza 1- 0. Late in the afternoon with failing light, Kandale and Kifuza were tied 0- 0. The tie required the teams to compete the following morning for extended time, wherein Kandale scored the winning goal. Prior to the quarter finals there was a great deal of controversy about a team member who had received a red card, but somehow managed to participate in the matches that week. The teams were very frustrated about this evasion of the rules and the games had to be delayed for a week until Mangala, the Vice-President of REVE Kandale, could arrive from Gungu to make a determination. One of the judges, who happened to come from the village of the team in question, decided against a forfeit of the games. Apparently, the judge was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Mangala interceded and eliminated the team for the violation, and the games proceeded. Other concerns involved ‘black magic’ and potential ‘spells’ invoked in one of the team’s rooms. The semi finals involved the four towns of Kifuza, Sangu, Mukwatshi and Kandale. All four teams were strong, and the competition was fierce. The greatest difficulty was overcoming the heat and lack of light. The games could only be played early in the morning and in the late afternoon, but the afternoon games were often delayed until the following morning as the setting sun established the day’s end.


The quarterfinals:

Kizanga vs. Sans Doute de Mukwatshi 0-3
Jeunesse Sportif de Kandale vs. Wayaweza de Kiboba, forfeit by Kiboba

Sangu vs. Ndumba 4-3

Tago vs. Nouvelle Generation de Kifuza 2-3

The semifinals:

Mukwatshi vs. Kifuza. 2-4

Kandale vs. Sangu. 3-0


According to Mangala, all of Gungu was shut down for the Closing Ceremony and Kandale was packed with excited fans. People arrived by motorcycle, bicycle and on foot. Many people traveled 50 km or more for the event. Mangala, in his closing remarks, was deeply moved with the presence of so many people, and he praised the teams for their hard work and genuine camaraderie, and for all the support they received from their communities. It was truly a unique event for the community at large. Kifuza was in second place and all the members received silver medals and cash awards. Sangu, in third place, received bronze medals and cash awards, and Kandale, the first-place winner, came away with a gold trophy and cash awards. All participating teams received a new soccer ball as well. Many people put in a great deal of time and effort to make this event possible, least of which is Kick for Nick and Dwight Short, who have supported the progress of the sport for many years, including gear, medals and development of the field. In Kandale many individuals spent long hours promoting the event while others worked very hard in creating the infrastructure, including barriers, shelters, and toilets. The organizing team negotiated the sound system from a local merchant for the event and according to the police, everyone was on their best behavior with no alcohol on the Mission or youthful ‘indiscretions’. Evidently many friendships were rekindled, and old ones resumed and, if the rumor mill is accurate, many romances were sparked as a result of this momentous occasion. It was also an opportunity for the community of Kandale to reflect upon the possibilities for the future. All the tukuls were rented out and many individuals took advantage of this event to sell a variety of foods and beverages. From a marketing point of view there is a great potential for the community to organize this aspect of the event.

Here is a link to a two minute video of the Closing Ceremony for the Tournament, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lost6gJ5sow. The sound leaves a little to be desired but it genuinely captures the excitement on the field. Enjoy!!!


This event was also an incredible occasion to showcase the new classrooms under construction and demonstrate all the improvements that have occurred over the past several years. The people of Kandale are proud of what their community has become and, as if riding the momentum of the tournament, the community has turned their efforts back toward the classrooms and dormitories. There was a mishap with a truck hired from the Trappists monks in Kasanza, involving some sort of engine explosion some 15 km from Kandale. Luckily the truck was able to complete the delivery of new desks, tin, cement, rebar, and wood to build the roof. The desks were fabricated in Kikwit but assembled on site as it was more efficient to transport the materials than the bulky fully assembled desks. Several carpenters traveled with the shipment to do the work. Saint Mark Presbyterian Church donated money to complete the renovation of the 2 girls’ dormitories, that will house an additional 40 girls. This renovation requires the structures to be built from the ground up, repairing the dilapidated walls and new ceilings. There is now enough money to complete the seven classrooms, and a generous donor has given money to buy desks for all 7 classrooms in memory of her friend who died of COVID-19. Presently funding is still needed to purchase windows, paint, and many supplemental items.


Colette leaves for Kandale in a week to continue the hard work of building the school and organizing the community. As always, our thoughts and prayers go with her for a safe journey and a productive experience in Kandale. Kwenda mbote Mama!!!

A Match Made in Kandale


It is difficult to foresee where your efforts will converge somewhere in the future, but one continues in blind faith, as it were, in the belief that good will come of your actions. The game of soccer has long been a source of joy and a positive focal point for the young people of Kandale. Soccer is the most popular sport across DRC and It is enjoyed by everyone-- men, women, and most of all, young people. Back in the 90’s students in Kandale began to organize soccer teams and regularly competed against other local teams.

In many of the communities it is not uncommon to find young people playing with a ball that is little more than errant pieces of clothing, paper, and plastic compressed under the tension of twine or strips of raffia palm. Often, it was made of grass meticulously woven together. Every village has a designated field to play on. The desire to play is very strong. In 2012, Colette coordinated with three UK organizations, Kits4Cause, Boots4Africa, and The Great Football Giveaway and received boxes of jerseys, professional balls and soccer shoes. While there were challenges finding feet that would fit the shoes, the balls raised the game to a whole other level.


Many years passed and the youth of Kandale remained passionate for the game. Colette tirelessly researched other charities and found Kick for Nick and Dwight Short. In 2017 Dwight Short donated 100 professional soccer balls to the community and Kick for Nick contributed many soccer kits filled with a variety of gear including, jerseys, shorts, nets, whistles and flags. Kick for Nick was making these donations in memory of their son who was killed in combat in Iraq, (featured in the photos above, left and middle). He loved the sport and actively collected soccer balls in the USA to take with him to Iraq. Dwight Short made his donations in memory of his aunt, Lodema Short or Mama Kanemu, as she was fondly called by the community members when she served as a Mennonite missionary in the Congo, (featured in the photo above on the right). These contributions further captured the imaginations of the youth and the community.

Opening ceremonies features the Head Pastor for the 27th Congo Mennonite Community in Kandale, The Rev. Ernest Kimbondja Mputu, giving his blessing. Chef de Secteur Khenda and Head of the Organizing Committee, Me Galunga Gago, and Mangala Muhipo Chr…

Opening ceremonies features the Head Pastor for the 27th Congo Mennonite Community in Kandale, The Rev. Ernest Kimbondja Mputu, giving his blessing. Chef de Secteur Khenda and Head of the Organizing Committee, Me Galunga Gago, and Mangala Muhipo Christophe, the Vice-President of REVE Kandale, perform the ribbon cutting ceremony.

The community of Kandale began to dream of a regional match that would attract the youth from the surrounding Kandale prefecture, some 95 villages. As Colette describes it, the groundwork for this idea had been growing for many years, with people were coming to the REVE Kandale office in Kandale on a regular basis in the hopes of securing a soccer ball for their community. In January, as there are no telephones or radio broadcasts, Newton began to spread the word on his motorcycle. As he ventured out, the news reached neighboring prefectures and before too long there were 32 teams from three prefectures, representing over 250 villages that were interested in participating. An event such as this had never happened before in Kandale.


In recent years, the Kandale youth have participated in many soccer competitions, including the Inter-Africa Mennonite Mission (AIMM) Leadership Coaching Forum in Mukedi two years ago. The team walked 55 miles to the distant village of Mukedi to compete in the tournament. It was a long journey that required them to sleep ‘en brousse’ with all the unknowns of the road. Yet despite the difficulties of the trip, they were victorious. The long journey home was filled with joyous singing.

For all its development, Kandale is a remote community and there are no ‘modern’ distractions such as the internet, a movie theater, a coffee shop or parks. The three big features in Kandale are the church, the school, and the hospital. Events like the Mukedi match was of significant importance to the pride of the people of Kandale.


The tournament was scheduled for June 6th. Members of the Kandale community spent a great deal of time preparing the field, building bamboo fences to encircle the field, fabricating shaded enclosures for judges and dignitaries, as well as the digging of several new latrines. Dwight Short, Kick for Nick, Hope for Congo and AIMM together provided a lot of the material and financial support for the purchase of banners, medals, prizes and the training of 10 local referees who were chosen from 15 applicants. All the referees were educated according to FIFA rules and regulations. 20 teams from the 32 applicants were selected and each team was required to contribute $30 to REVE Kandale to supplement external contributions.


On the 6th, opening ceremonies began with much pomp and circumstance, Congolese style, of course. There were many speeches, including one from Mangala Muhipo Christophe, the Vice-President of REVE Kandale. He had not visited Kandale in five years and was overwhelmed with all the changes. As the days are always hot in Kandale, the games are being played in the afternoons while sufficient daylight remains. Many local entrepreneurs are taking advantage of the opportunity to provide fish, beignets, luku, (a cassava bread), and water for the many visitors which number in the thousands. Even patients from the hospital have ventured out to watch. There are several police on hand to maintain order, but as of now it has remained a joyous and peaceful event, not requiring their services.


Distances are different in rural areas, especially when there are no vehicles and often only footpaths exist to cross these distances. Traveling to visit remote family members and neighbors becomes an undertaking, and reserved largely for weddings, funerals, and State visits. Phones are very uncommon, let alone finding service, so inter-community communication is limited. There is no Radio Kandale…yet, nor radios in many of the villages to receive the broadcasts…yet. The tournament created an unexpected cause for celebration. As a result of this unusual gathering, people from way outside of the community have traveled long distances to support their team and began to discover friends that they hadn’t seen for many years. It was a pivotal opportunity that reunited the community at large, where many old friendships were rekindled, and new ones made.

As of last week, the many teams were still completing the first round of eliminations. Kandale has made it through the first round and the players will be taking to the field in their bare feet, (the shoes of 2012 have long since disintegrated from constant wear), and tie-breaking rounds are to be played shortly. If you want to follow the progress of the games, Colette has been doing regular updates on her Facebook page, www.facebook.com/colette.ramm

All the hard work that has gone into making Kandale a thriving center is coming to fruition and this tournament reflects the commitment and hard work of many individuals and organizations working together. In Kandale, as with many other rural communities, there are very few opportunities and young people can lose their way.

This tournament serves as a source of inspiration for both the youth and the greater community. It has generated so much enthusiasm that former members who are now living in Kinshasa and Angola are eager to return for the next event and maybe even play for their home team again.

Mid-Year Appeal


We’ve made progress!!!!


From sticks and thatched roofs to brick walls and metal roofs.


The challenges are formidable.

Roads and distances: a trip to Kandale can take six hours or three days from the provincial capital, depending on the state of the road.


Attracting and keeping teachers: a supportive community and solid schools attract educated people to stay or return to rural areas.


Families struggle daily to come by food and water: a subsistence level economy is the norm for Kandale’s population of 70,000 people.


Our success depends on individuals like you.

Click here to read RKF Annual Report -2020.


Thank you milles fois for your support.

Please help us complete the new block of classrooms before the school year begins in September.

Click here to wach a video!

Consider increasing your annual donation or becoming a monthly contributor.

"REVE"rie Part 2

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Here is the second part of Colette's description

from her recent trip to Kandale.

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At 8:00 my meetings begin. Beneath the adjacent forest we gather to discuss the objectives of the day. This part of the forest that abuts the compound is regularly swept and kept clear of debris to limit the potential for stray snakes. The REVE Kandale staff gathers. We discuss the daily progress and then talk about how to organize the work that needs to get done. There are people who want to buy bricks from across the Kwilu River some five miles away. There are others who have been waiting patiently to get a tour of the 10 year old forest, which I am always eager to show off. Others arrive to discuss the possibilities of recreating the vibrant community they observe in Kandale for their own village. The compound draws people from near and far.

Upon returning from the forest, I begin to prep for my meeting with the potential brick buyers from across the collectivitée or prefecture. Chaud Chaud had brought a calabash of palm wine to share with the visitors. He wants me to be a good host. We reflect on the fact that the mission does not allow palm wine/alcohol or tobacco on the grounds, but for the sake of good manners, I agree to take it with me, but in a plastic water bottle so as not to draw any attention. I place it in my bag and head off.

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Palm wine or malafu as it is known throughout central Africa, is harvested from the sap of the palm tree and fermentation is induced with secret ‘nkisi’ or ingredients. Palm wine from the samba palm is very satisfying. In the morning it is very mild and sweet, and often it is heated up to brace against the chilly morning air of the dry season. As the day progresses the beverage becomes stronger and stronger until it becomes undrinkable with a strong vinegary taste. As I am so accustomed to beverages in the US being hermetically sealed, I was unprepared when the bottle exploded in my bag and saturated all my belongings inside. Fortunately I was carrying my laptop in a separate bag.

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After the meeting I return to the Multi-Purpose Center for an impromptu lunch. People may have brought fresh fish or vegetables. The afternoon will bring rain and I will be working with Newton inside on the computer. I am teaching him about spreadsheets and the importance of balancing the books. At present the school is not in session, but in anticipation of the students return, I am organizing the kits collected from the US for Kandale girls through our “Girl2Girl” campaign led by Saint Mark PC youth. I will also be assembling the soccer kits from our generous donors, Kick for Nick and Dwight Short, for the Kandale youth tournament in 2021. Later in the week I plan on meeting with a photographer to try and capture the changes happening all around.

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As the afternoon progresses with the impending sunset, mourning doves begin to coo in the palm trees and with more trees in the new forest, there are more and more birds. The forest is a continual source of new stories. One of my young guests from a nearby village identified the return of a caterpillar species that hadn’t been seen for many years. He first identified the smell, then the droppings and finally discovered them on one of the branches. A wild, native fruit called fita fita, has returned as well. Fita fita is shown in the middle image in the caption above. A story describes two girls who abandoned the wood they had gathered for cooking, to go and harvest the fruit, only to have lost the wood. The forest occupies some 34 acres and it has become a place of mystery.

Thank you all for joining the REVE Kandale Update webinar on April 8, 2021. Here is the link to the meeting recording for those of you who could not attend.


Access Passcode: ?=LZ2TqN

REVE Kandale Building Project

Here is a an excellent video that was presented at the webinar. It was created by one of the Board Members of REVE Kandale, John Sullivan. It embodies the resiliency of the people of Kandale.


"REVE"rie Part I

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Colette has returned from The DRC two weeks ago. After 10 weeks in Kandale she shares this initial reflection:


Every morning at 5am the Mission bell rings to call the church elders for their morning prayers. It is a sound that resonates within me from when I was a small child. I jump out of bed even though it is still a little dark out. I am motivated to get started with my day because once the sun comes up, the day starts. The sun and the heat wait for no one. I brave the cold water for a bath and as usual I run out of water from the bucket before washing all the suds off of me. On my return from the outdoor shower, I see the big paddle of liquid glue from the Mumyombo tree. The village carpenters will come soon to collect the glue for their woodwork. The heat has begun to push out the lingering shadows and I rush to my hide out under the Mumbunze tree. It is quiet and serene. Red ants are busy building their nests all over the tree, but they are too busy in their task to pay me any attention. The pastor arrives and he is eager to greet me and share a prayer, but I need a little more time.

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From the shade beneath the Mumbunze tree I peek through the overhanging branches and I see people coming and going. At 7 AM it is my place of sanctuary. The morning sun has already risen and begun to heat up the village and its many pathways, but here under the branches it is cool like a cave. I hear the night watchman, Kisenda, sweeping in the distance under the trees. He creates beautiful undulating designs on the ground with his broom. He is sweeping up the dried leaves and I hear his handheld broom scratch across the dry ground. Men and women come early to gather the leaves from the Mumbunze tree to make their morning tea. The leaves are renowned for their curative properties.

Kisenda can identify everyone by their footprints as they pass through the compound. What a genius I say to myself. His nickname is “Chaud-Chaud” because he does everything quickly. Last night, there was a gentle knock on my door, and I saw Chaud-Chaud’s flashlight. When I opened the door, it felt like daytime because of the full moon. The night sky was in full glory, beaming with stars. Chaud-Chaud did not say anything, but I know why he mastered the courage to wake me up. I grabbed my camera to take a few pictures. When I showed him the photos, his lips turned into a big smile and he released a heart felt laugh in amazement.

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In the trees, birds are pulling at small dark raisin like fruit. They are loudly quarreling back and forth, “chi chi chi chi.” Soon the day watchman comes and greets Kisenda and then the pastor returns to greet them both, “Udi mwa bonga, tata. E ngudi mwa bonga.” Other people from the village come and leave pineapples or peanuts. There is laughter and loud greetings. Visitors come to ask if I am approachable and can they touch me. The day watchman laughs and tells them that I am very ‘gentile’ and yes, you can touch her.

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The sun begins to find me between the branches. Yellow butterflies are dancing along the path. Before too long my phone alarm will ring and the meetings will begin at 8. I am savoring this opportunity to reflect on the progress of the village, how much has been accomplished and how much more needs to be done. REVE Kandale Staff and volunteers begin to arrive at 7:30 and collect their materials from the office. The day guard provides them with a key to the compound. I hear the chickens outside chasing after each other and squabbling after some stray grasshopper uncovered during the sweeping. All around me are small Mumbunze saplings tentatively moving upward. Beyond my ‘cave’ Mutunu trees or ‘The Blood of Jesus’ trees, known for their blood-like sap, outpace the Mumbunze trees into the air. In the breeze there is the faint smell of caterpillars from deeper in the woods.

The alarm from my phone begins to chirp and I know that the meetings will start soon.

A Call from the Congo

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Three Sunday mornings ago I was woken up by a phone call. The other end was quiet, and I suspected it was a marketing call. Yes, I still have a land line. For some reason I hesitated and then Colette began to speak. I hadn’t heard from Colette in over a month since she left for the Congo, and it was great to hear her voice once again. Without her stories, the Communiqué has been silent. We only had a few minutes to talk and Colette was brimming with optimism about all the changes going on in Kandale. It is always great to receive new images from Newton, but to see it and experience it, especially as someone who grew up in that village, it is a thing of wonder.


A few days later I spoke with her husband, Greg, and he indicated that she was able to receive texts, so I sent her a text, but to no avail. Then I downloaded WhatsApp on to my smart phone and sent her a message. This past Thursday night my phone came alive with images from Newton. Again the connection was not great but he was able to send me a variety of images and videos. In addition Greg sent me several of her photos, and a video. The walls of the school reaching up into the sky are quite a sight, and to see them aligned with the Caritas classrooms, it is evident that an educational complex is no longer a dream, but a growing reality.


Other areas of growth are evident with the 10-year-old forest and sanctuary on the REVE compound. According to Colette people are coming in from the surrounding areas to see this wild area. Many people have come from neighboring towns to look for specific medicinal leaves and herbs that have become difficult to find. The forests are so protected that even a very dangerous, but unaggressive, Gaboon viper is left alone to hunt for rodents. The forest is giving back, and there is a renewed respect for what has been lost.

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The photos above have been captured from a short video included below, that demonstrates the wiring of a rebar support for the school construction, and the presence of several women working side by side with the men.


As Bob Dylan once wrote, “The times they are a changing.” This is very true for our political system here in the United States, but it also holds true for the all the new development on the ground in Kandale. The contract with the engineers mandated that local individuals would be hired to do the lion’s share of the construction of the new school classrooms. Our desire is that the local workers will be trained in the various aspects of construction with the notion that they would then be able to apply their skills toward other building projects whether locally or regionally. In addition the engineers were also required to hire women as part of the labor force. The fact that women are working side by side with men is breaking new ground, yes, a pun, in the Kandale community. While it is common knowledge that women work exceedingly hard to feed and clothe their families, they are now moving away from these traditional roles and it is drawing a lot of attention far and wide in the community.

The students are still quarantining although there are no cases of Covid-19 in Kandale at this time. Lastly Colette wanted to tell me how beautiful the new donated periodic table looked in the multipurpose education center. As always we hope that you are all well and staying safe. We look forward to Colette's safe return in the weeks ahead.

A Leap of Faith

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The walls of the primary school are reaching up into the sky. They are eager to hold a roof and to house a dream 10 years in the making. These walls will support the dreams of hundreds of young minds and before too long they will nurture the optimism of thousands of individuals eager to make a difference in the world.

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These walls have been built brick by brick and are a monument to the commitment of REVE Kandale and the community. Everyone in Kandale has had a hand in its creation - from the purchase of the brick making machine to the sand collection by the river banks and the red clay from the adjoining hillside; from the purchase of cement and water tanks in Kinshasa to the cultivation of the gardens that feed the workers; from the intense compression that is applied in making every brick and to the gentle hands that turn them in the sun for drying.

All these parts are coming together, and now we need a roof to complete the dream. Think of Kandale on this Giving Tuesday.

We wish Colette a safe journey to DRC and Kandale. Kwenda mbote Mama.